Join Us at the
🎄Crawley Down Christmas Market🎄
We're excited to announce our 2024 Crawley Down Christmas Market at the Haven Centre on Sunday, 1st December 2024, from 1-4pm.
For stall holders, set up can start as early as 11:30am, and there's plenty of parking available.
Enjoy the festive atmosphere in the main hall, with the Haven bar open for all stallholders and visitors.
We offer several stall options, so there's something for everyone:
Platinum: £35 + raffle prize donation (includes a table, power, and premium advertising)
Gold: £30 + raffle prize donation (includes a table, power, and basic advertising)
Silver: £25 + raffle prize donation (includes a table and basic advertising)
Bronze: £20 + raffle prize donation (includes a space, bring your own table, and basic advertising)
Spaces are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, so secure your spot today!
To confirm your place, please complete the form as soon as possible as places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. To avoid duplicate stalls we will not be accepting requests from stall holders that are selling the same or similar products to those that we already have so please give as much information as possible on your booking request form.
Please make payment and send us your risk assessment within 14 days of your request being accepted. Without payment within this time we cannot hold your space.
Your booking is only confirmed once payment is made; completing a request form does not guarantee a stall.
Please bring raffle prizes on the day.
Please read our Terms and Conditions before completing your request form:
Stalls must be set up by 12.45pm to ensure the safety of our visitors.
Stall holders must be out of the hall by 5pm
Power will only be available to those that request it on the form. 1 plug socket will be provided. You will require your own extension lead.
You must tell us what you are intending to sell on the day. Stall requests will be allocated based on this information so this cannot be changed once the request has been accepted. You will not be able to sell anything other than what you include on the form on the day without prior consent.
If payment is not received within 14 days of your request for a stall being accepted then we will give your space to someone on the waiting list
If a risk assessment is not received within 14 days of your request for a stall being accepted then we will give your space to someone on the waiting list
Raffle prizes must be given to the event organisers on the day.
It the stall holders responsibility to check that they have given us the correct Facebook Page and website information.