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The Fundraising Team

The Donkey Field Preschool is a charity run business and as such it relies on fundraising and donations to be able to provide facilities to match the level of care and excellence that is already provided by the staffing team.


Over the years we have been able to provide many assets to the setting through fundraising and in 2023 - thanks to the fundraising team with the addition of some community grants - we saw the erection of our new multi-use outbuilding. 

Over the past year this has proven invaluable as a much needed sensory room, quiet area, classroom  storage space benefiting all of the children within the setting and also providing a space for parents to meet with staff as required. 


We are currently raising money to help make the building fully sustainable, we require renewable energy sources such as solar panels to be able to heat/cool the room which will increase its longevity and enable us to use it year round. It will also enable us to charge sensory equipment within the building itself.​


Aswell as this over the next two years our main fundraising aims are:

  • To enhance our outdoor play and learning with the addition of, but not limited to, a sensory garden, foam building bricks, small trampoline with handle, plastic hockey sticks, new bikes and scooters.


  • To refresh the setting inside and out by way of decorating and maintenace.



Got great ideas or helping hands?

We'd love you to join us!


The fundraising team are all volunteers and their dedication really goes a long way in helping the Preschool reach its potential. Even if you can only help a little it means alot. 

We hold fundraising meetings on a monthly basis (roughly) and all are welcome to attend, you do not have to commit to anything but you would be surprised how you may be able to help.  


If you are not able to help on the Fundraising Team you can still support us by joining us at our events, buying raffle tickets or even collecting drinks can so please keep an eye out for whats coming next on our news and events page.

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